WCB Nova Scotia Psychological Health and Safety Resource Centre Launch

WCB Nova Scotia has launched the Psychological Health and Safety Resource Centre, a platform for all Nova Scotians to ensure everyone’s workplace is safe for all.

The Centre, adapted from WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s psychological health resources, aims to prevent psychological injury across Nova Scotia.

You can access the Centre to find:

  • An overview of Workplace Psychological Health and Safety

    • This includes information about the National Standard for Psychological Safety at Work, and how to best support mental health.

  • Psychologically Safe Leadership

    • Explores the five domains that negatively impact psychologically safe leadership, and provides insights and action plans to address them.

  • More Tools and Resources to make your workplace safe.

    • Includes assessment tools, educational resources, practical resources, and more.

Furthermore, join WCB Nova Scotia to commemorate this launch by watching the Gradual Onset Psychological Injury Information Session on June 26th from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm. This session will examine the purpose of the Centre and provide insight into questions about psychological health and safety. There will be a chance to take part in the discussion and ask questions at the end of the webinar.

Contact gpi@wcb.ns.ca if you have any questions about this event.


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