Over Several Years, Agencies and Industry Associations in Nova Scotia Have Come Together to Collaborate in Service to Women in Trades.
Over several years, agencies and industry associations in Nova Scotia have come together to collaborate in service to women in trades. Unfortunately, even with the excellent work underway, the number of women accessing and advancing in this field remains low. We can do better. Since November 2021, we held meetings to explore how we could do more together to advance women and gender-diverse people’s economic empowerment in skilled trades. We have developed a purpose, approach, and values that align with local and national inclusion and equity work.
Our Purpose and Approach
To support those who identify as women in all their diversity in skilled trades throughout the journey by including and amplifying their voices and ensuring there is choice and opportunities for them to advance in this field of work. We will engage in a systems-based approach to work, which invests in building relationships to make positive changes and gains.
Agencies will do this by developing a shared agenda, coordinating services and supports, collaborating on training, events, and programming, and continuous communication and learning work. We will explore ways to measure and learn about making change by evaluating our collaboration, results, and integrating first-voice perspectives, experiences, and priorities in this work.