We Are Trades: FREE Training

This training is for leaders, owners, trainers and teams who are committed to creating respectful workplaces in their company.

We Are Trades provides employers with actionable steps to establish a safe and inclusive workplace for women. We Are Trades is designed to guide successful workplace change in three steps: Commit, Create and Sustain.

There are four phases this toolkit will focus on: Commit, Create, Strengthen, and Sustain. Each of these phases include the steps that can be taken to support inclusion efforts. Each phase and step of the process will be explored in depth with information, resources, and a detailed process to put them into action.

The toolkit draws extensively from work done by CCWESTT and the YWCA Hamilton and YWCA Shift Change gratefully acknowledges the generous sharing of their resources. We aim to localize and mobilize this work and include Nova Scotia resources and examples whenever possible.

Leadership for Today’s World

Gender and Difference Inclusivity Leadership Course, a six-week 3 hour per week course.

Reach out to us about booking a training or joining an intake by emailing t.boyer@ywcahalifax.com

The “Gender and Difference Inclusivity Leadership Training Course” is designed and delivered for male supervisors working in skilled trades.

The work is conversation-based and includes concepts like:

Understanding and awareness of gender in the workplace

Gender differences and identities

Power and privilege


Gender-based violence

Conflict resolution


Action planning

Through this unique program, we’re seeing big change happen. Participant organizations are seeing leaders emerge and teams get stronger. Supervisors are seeing team culture shift more positive and inclusive.