We Are Trades

This training is for leaders, owners, trainers and teams who are committed to creating respectful workplaces in their company. Download the We Are Trades Toolkit below to have a look at steps you can take RIGHT NOW to build more respectful workplaces.

Check out the TOOLKIT below for a step by step outline of how to create a respectful workplace. Remember, this work happens over time, get started and keep going!

We Are Trades provides employers with actionable steps to establish a safe and inclusive workplace for women. We Are Trades is designed to guide successful workplace change in three steps: Commit, Create and Sustain. For more information or to learn more contact Morgane Evans m.evans@ywcahalifax.com.

Learn more by visiting the We Are Trades web portal designed and created by CCWESTT.


Construction Safety Nova Scotia


Glooscap Health and Safety Consulting