Inspire Inclusion in the NS Skilled Trades IS COMING UP!
IN-PERSON AND SPONSORSHIP TICKETS ARE LIVE UNTIL THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST AT 12PM! The Inspire Inclusion in the NS Skilled Trades evening event is on March 6th from 5:30 pm to 8:30pm at the St. Mary's Boat Club. Inspired by the International Women's Day theme of #inspireinclusion, please join us in celebrating women and gender-diverse people in the skilled trades across Nova Scotia. We also now have LIVESTREAM TICKETS available until March 6th at 12pm for anyone who wants to attend from afar.
And we have a very special announcement from Corrie Melanson from Sea Change Colab and Yvette Jarvis from Women Unlimited, who will be co-hosting the event:
You’re invited to our event!
Want to know more? Scroll below to find out information about our agenda and ticket prices.
5:30 Networking
6:00 Welcome & Opening
6:15 Buffet Dinner & Table Connection
7:00 Panel of Partners and Allies: What does culture change look like?
7:45 Recognition
8:00 Networking & Mingle
Join us for our celebratory event!
For more information or if you have any questions, please email Morgane Evans, communications and meeting coordinator, at